Blog #9

Posted in: edci338 | 2

This course established the importance of developing and identifying a PLN. To make the most out of a PLN, it is important to understand how to utilize it in a variety of different ways. As noted in the textbook, social networking can bridge the gap between people, communities, regions, ideas, innovations, politics, business, and more (Del Giudice et al. 71). With the current state of technology implementation and the digital age, the nature of a PLN is evolving at a rapid pace. For the future, using an established and evolving PLN as a resource is the foundation of building professional and personal growth for the future. Whether the PLN is a result of educational, professional, or personal interests, it can serve as a primary source for opportunities. 

It is easy to feel intimidated by a PLN in relation to digital communities. Despite the vastness of the online world, a PLN is supposed to be a vibrant, ever-changing group of connections that provide opportunities to both share and learn. To make sure that a PLN can provide professional opportunities for the future, it is important that it reflect values, passions, and areas of expertise. Regardless of your professional pursuits, building a PLN should be done with purpose. 

Before social networking became commonplace, the ways in which we connected, and how many people we were able to reach were limited. Relying on phone calls, in-person interactions, and word-of-mouth was really the only way to gain access to opportunities. With the evolution of social media, the latest technological advancements provide endless ways to connect. Drawing on this week’s YouTube video, which was a podcast discussion on the importance of building social network connections provides insight into how being a guest or host on a podcast can provide different opportunities to learn about varying opinions and ideas (EDCI Podcast). Ideally, a guest spot on a podcast is not only free marketing, but it allows for the sharing of information that could be valuable, and enables listeners to act or think differently, because of this information.  

The podcast medium allows for listeners to connect with the speakers and build relationships in the digital space. Seeking out professionals via social networking begins by connecting with organizations that are align with personal interests and passions. By following these chosen communities on social media, the door to opportunities will be open. Not only does the provide the opportunity of a PLN to evolve to suit professional goals, but it allows for direct access to connect with communities and individuals who may be the catalyst for providing an opportunity for professional or personal growth.

While the digital space allows for thoughts, ideas, and opinions to be shared globally, a successful PLN can also connect people with local communities that fulfill passions and interests that can be utilized for geographically convenient opportunities for work or educational purposes. A PLN should widen one’s worldview and provide insight into varying cultural and societal implications that promote growth, but a PLN should not only be limited to social media. Take advantage of local communities that would provide value to personal and professional goals. Regardless of what I am wanting to explore, I can use my PLN to challenge my ways of thinking and connect with others who may provide me with insight and opportunities. The flexibility of a PLN allows me to personalize my educational and personal outcomes.


Del Giudice, Manilo, Maria R. Della Peruta and Elias G. Carayannis. Social Media and Emerging Economies: Technological, Cultural, and Economic Implications. Springer, 2014.

“EDCI Podcast.” YouTube, uploaded by Miller, 24 October 2021,

2 Responses

  1. caitlingalbraith

    Hi Ruobing,

    I appreciate the point you made about how a successful PLN can foster connections with people from local communities. I believe that people regard a digital PLN as forming connections with people who are far away, which is great, but forming local connections through a digital PLN is extremely important as well and is often overlooked by many. Thank you for a great and insightful post!

    Caitlin Galbraith

  2. chloeian0329

    Hi Ruobing. This post smartly illuminates how social media platforms and podcasts can give just about any individual a voice to share their perceptions of the world. This, however, highlights how important it is to fact-check and critically analyze even the most famous podcasters and influencers rather than passively accepting their ideas. Thank you!

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